Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Top 10 Reasons for Divorce

With divorce rates on the rise, it can be troubling for those within a marriage to remain hopeful. However, by acknowledging weak spots within a relationship, most marriages can be salvaged. While there are many different causes of divorce, here are a few of the most common.

Financial difficulties are perhaps the biggest reasons for divorce. If either partner isn’t forthcoming in their spending habits, it can create an environment of distrust. Compounding debt is also a huge issue. If not dealt with a positive manner, these issues can lead to arguments and eventually a divorce.

Over the years, many couples find that they grow apart. Sitting incompatibility as a reason for divorce is very common. While it’s normal for those in a marriage to have different interests and hobbies, they need support from their partner. Otherwise, both parties will begin to turn away from their spouse.

It’s no surprise that infidelity causes divorce. Marriage is an intimate relationship involving trust and respect. If destroyed by an affair, this relationship can be difficult to rebuild. With social media and modern technology making it easier for spouses to cheat, divorce and extra-marital affair rates are on the rise.

Problems in communicating and differences in upbringing can also drive couples to divorce. Most people are products of their environment. Religion, parents and culture shape each person into someone unique. These different backgrounds can cause difficulties within a marriage. It’s common for spouses to become defensive about their styles of communicating, leading to conflict.

Addictions, both substance and pornography, are two more of the top reasons for divorce. It can be difficult for a spouse to stand by and watch her spouse self-destruct. While it may seem that addictions only affect the participating party, they impact the lives of the friends and family involved as well.

Abuse is another leading cause of divorce. Whether manifested physically, emotionally, sexually, or financially, abuse should never be tolerated. If present within a marriage, it can destroy the lives of everyone in the home.

Differences in parenting styles can also cause divorce. When both parties have different ideas about how their children should be raised, it can cause contention. Because parenting is so important, it’s something that many people aren’t willing to compromise on.

Finally, the age of both parties when the marriage began can later be the cause of divorce. When married too young, spouses may have difficulty adjusting to this new lifestyle. They lack the coping skills to deal with conflict in a logical manner, which can lead to dissolving the marriage.

Divorce can be caused by many different issues. If you are interested in learning more a divorce lawyer in Irvine, visit this website.

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